
Collaborative language work in Ecuador

The A’ingae Language Documentation Project (ALDP) team convened outside of Lago Agrio, Ecuador for a phonetics and orthography workshop and traveled downriver to Zábalo for recordings relating to nasality in A’ingae.

Together with Ryan Bennett (UCSC) and Gaby Vargas Melgarejo (Arizona), Scott AnderBois traveled to Amazonian Ecuador this July. Together with the team of community partners including Hugo Lucitante ‘19, the ALDP held a week-long meeting continuing work on the dictionary in progress, digitally illustrated traditional stories, and pedagogical resources for teachers. Ryan and Scott also led a workshop on phonetics and orthography development (thanks to undergrad Tara Hislip’s work in helping prepare materials for the workshop!).

After that, they hopped in a motor boat and went downriver to the remote community of Zábalo where they did audio and nasal airflow recordings for a new project looking at nasal vowels, consonants, and the relationships between the two. They ended the trip with some meetings with community leaders and teachers (see picture).

This work was all conducted as part of a grant from the National Science Foundation: NSF Dynamic Language Infrastructure Grant #BCS-1911348/1911428 ``Collaborative Research: Perspective Taking and Reported Speech in an Evidentially Rich Language'' to Scott AnderBois and Wilson Silva.

teachers poised for a phot outdoors