
Linguistics program holds their Brown UnderGraduate Linguistics Event (BUGLE)

Students, faculty, postdocs and more came together on November 4th to discuss current papers and projects centering around Linguistics.

A very successful BUGLE (Brown UnderGraduate Linguistics Event) took place on November 4th.  There were 9 undergraduate speakers from Brown on a wide range of topics (the program can be viewed here) and one alumnus  keynote speaker - Maksymilian Dabkowski, Ph.D. candidate UC Berkeley (Linguistics AB Brown, 2019).  Over the course of the day there were about 40 attendees, including several faculty members/postdocs  from Linguistics, Philosophy, and Native American and Indigenous Studies as well as a number of Brown undergraduates.  The papers each had lots of discussion - not only during the question periods but during the luxurious breaks and lunch time, with the speakers having further time for discussion at a speakers' dinner.  People began making interesting connections between the papers - making for a dynamic and productive event! We look forward to BUGLE III next year.