Linguistics will be offering two brand new courses for the Spring 2024 semester: Sociolinguistics (CLPS 1393) and Diversity in American Language (CLPS 0370)! In Sociolinguistics, explore the relationship between language and culture, while thinking critically about how language helps us build and process social structures. Diversity in American Language will discuss how language in America has modified through time by examining four key language categories: Indigenous, Colonial, Immigrant and New.
In addition to two new never-before-seen classes, Linguistics will also be offering two courses in a new format this spring semester. Scott AnderBois has adapted his first year seminar course for a broader audience. In "Playing with Words: The Linguistic Principles Behind Word Games and Puzzles" (CLPS 0350), students will explore how wordplay can provide a deeper understanding of linguistics theory and vice versa. Additionally, "Meaning and Cognition" (CLPS 1321) will be taught by Pauline Jacobson, and delves into the ways that cognition and language shape one another including topics such as linguistic relativity and ways in which human cognition constrains cross-linguistic grammatical variation.